Double Penetration, Vacant Possession


The coordination of autonomous action is accomplished through the paradigm of disabled self-interest. In partnership with the curtained cabinet, the disabled limb penetrates the left cavity of the curtained cabinet’s upper chamber.

The penetration of the curtained cabinet’s upper chamber creates the facts on the ground of the curtained cabinet’s ruling ethos. With outward facing palm and fingers ajar, the disabled limb approaches but does not touch the attenuated partition that divides the curtained cabinet’s upper and lower chambers into cavities of equally unequal dimensions.

In the second image, the disabled limb rests as it did in the first image in the left cavity of the curtained cabinet’s upper chamber. With outward facing palm and fingers ajar, the limb approaches but does not touch the attenuated partition that divides the curtained cabinet’s chambers into cavities of equally unequal dimensions.

In the third and final image, the disabled limb’s redaction aligns the vacancy of the upper left cavity with its lower cavity counterpart. The alignment of the vacancies of the curtained cabinet’s upper and lower cavities marks the dissolution of the facts on the ground of the curtained cabinet’s ruling ethos.

The dissolution of the facts on the ground of the curtained cabinet’s ruling ethos creates the facts on the ground of the curtained cabinet’s vacant possession.

The divisions and subdivisions of the curtained cabinet’s vacant possession create the facts on the ground of the disabled limb’s double penetration more deeply understood.

A crux supports and upholds the facts on the ground of the disabled limb’s double penetration more deeply understood. Its horizontal axis penetrates the interior of the curtained cabinet, creating vacancies of equal dimensions. Its attenuated vertical axis, which in the double penetration the disabled limb approaches but does not touch, penetrates the vacancies of equal dimensions to create vacancies of equally unequal dimensions.

With outward facing crux and vacancies ajar, the coordination of autonomous action through the paradigm of disabled self-interest approaches but does not touch the facts on the ground of the disabled limb’s double penetration more deeply understood.

A crux frames and contains a sequence of images. Its horizontal axis forms the basis of the images’ visibility and its attenuated vertical axis the outward facing ceiling of the facts on the ground of their disabled autonomy. Its vertical and horizontal limits, which the images approach but do not penetrate, extend the divisions and subdivisions of the coordination of autonomous action through an infinity of equally unequal dimensions.

Benjamin Robinson is a writer and visual artist. He was born in 1964 in Northern Ireland. Selected publications: *apo-press issue 1 Re-knewing (Collective Aporia), Slouching Beast Journal, AMP: Always Electric, (Hofstra University, New York), Sein und Werden, Maintenant 15, 14, & 8: A Journal of Contemporary Dada Writing & Art, Requited Journal, The Elephants, Gorse No 5, Vagabonds: Anthology of the Mad Ones (Weasel Press), Paper Visual Art Journal, Circa Art Magazine, and 3:am Magazine. He lives in Dublin, Ireland. Website.